The danger of relay antennas to health finally recognized Feb 5th 2009
A French Senator, Jean Desessard has issued a press release. The Versailles Court of Appeal has upheld an order to dismantle the Bouygues Telecom relay antenna in Tassin la Demi-Lune in the Rhone, France. This ruling gives legal recognition to the risks posed by mobile phone masts to human health.
Cancer - Cluster school mission by Damien Brown, Sunday Tasmanian, August 17, 2008
Education and Health Department officials are to meet staff from a Hobart school at the centre of a cancer cluster scare. The school sits under a high voltage power line and on top of an electricity substation.
'Mobile phones can give you brain tumors' by Caroline Gammel, Sept 7th, 2008
Collating fifteen years' worth of scientific research, the independent public information body Powerwatch said seven different studies had concluded that mobile phones could increase the chances of both malignant and benign brain tumors'.
Suicides linked to phone masts by Lucy Johnston, UK Daily Express, June 28, 2008
The spate of deaths among young people in Britain's suicide capital could be linked to radio waves from dozens of mobile phone transmitter masts near the victims' homes.
Dudley residents campaign for end of phone mast, Mobile marketing news, UK, June 23, 2008
So far 14 people have died and 20 more have developed cancer since the mast was erected in 1995, although residents argue the worst cases have been since the mast was fitted with extra antennae and dishes in 2001.
Brain Cancer fears over heavy mobile phone use by Asher Moses, The Age, March 31, 2008
A top Australian neurosurgeon, Vini Khurana, says the world's heavy reliance on mobile phones could be a greater threat to human health than smoking and even asbestos.
Mobiles may be a death sentence, by Danielle Cronin, The Canberra Times, March 27, 2008
There is currently enough evidence and technology available to warrant industry and governments alike in taking immediate steps to reduce exposure of consumers to mobile phone related electromagnetic radiation and to make consumers aware of potential dangers and how to use this technology sensibly and safely.
The Gathering Brainstorm, a review of concerns on Wi-Fi by Mark Anslow, The Ecologist, March 13, 2008
It is unregulated, untested, more dangerous than its proponents would have you believe — and soon to become even more powerful. Mark Anslow reports on the inexorable march of Wi-Fi.
Phone Towers make locals see red and want to paint it black, Melbourne Progress Leader, March 18, 2008
Residents shield their homes from Church mobile phone tower emissions.
Warning: Using a mobile phone while pregnant can seriously damage your baby, by Geoffrey Lean, Environment editor, The UK Independent May 18, 2008
Cell Phone 'Towers of Doom' that reportedly cause cancer in Britain now also threaten Toronto communities, by Victor Flet, The Canadian, February 1, 2008
Mobile Phones and young brains, by Louise Hall, The Age, Jan 27, 2008
'Australian scientists are investigating if children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of radiation from mobile phones. Associate professor Rodney Croft from the Australian centre for Radio frequency Bioeffects Research commented that there is a possibility that the effects could be much stronger in children and the elderly.'
Mobile phone radiation wrecks your sleep, by Geoffrey Lean Environment, Editor of the UK Independent January 20, 2008
'Radiation from mobile phones delays and reduces sleep and causes headaches and confusion according to a new study sponsored by the mobile phone companies themselves.'
French Ministry of Science issues health warning against heavy mobile phone use, Reuters, January 1, 2008
The hidden menace of mobile phones, by Geoffrey Lean, Environment editor, the UK Independent, October 7, 2007
'Research into the link between regular handset use and disease reveals the risks rise significantly after 10 years despite official assurances that they are safe.'
The little guy is trampled on by phone companies, by Kate Ellis, Sunday Mail, Adelaide, September 12, 2007.
Mobile towers must be more tightly regulated says Kate Ellis federal ALP MP for the seat of Adelaide.
Cancer clusters at phone masts reported, by Daniel Foggo, UK Sunday Times, April 22, 2007
Wi-Fi Children at risk from 'Electronic smog' by Geoffrey Lean, Environment editor of the UK Independent, April 22, 2007
Phone Tower cancer fears, The Age, May 12, 2006
'A spate of brain tumors among staff has forced RMIT University to close part of it's business school and test for radiation emissions from rooftop phone towers'